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Good News

I am very excited to announce I am a recipient of the Jeffrey Rubinoff Scholar in Art as a Source of Knowledge Scholarship. It is a great honour to be recognized by the Art History & Visual Studies program at the University of Victoria.

Jeffrey Rubinoff explains one of his sculptures on Hornby Island (Photo: Michelle Tarnopolsky)

Art as a source of knowledge

Jeffrey Rubinoff first became acquainted with members of UVic’s Faculty of Fine Arts through his annual “Company of Ideas” forum, held at Jeffrey’s 22-acre sculpture park (and home) on Hornby Island. The forum, which brings together international scholarly collaborators to share specific insights within their specialties, is part of the sculpture park’s educational program.

When UVic Art History and Visual Studies professor Allan Antliff attended the forum, he and Jeffrey immediately hit it off. Jeffrey invited Allan to return and take part in ongoing discussions about the future of the educational program. Jeffrey began to see the role UVic could play in his goals for the advancement of education in the arts.

In 2014, Jeffrey established a four-year post-doctoral fellowship at Churchill College, Cambridge, and was seeking a second academic partnership to support a scholar in the field of modern and contemporary art history. He felt the advantage of partnering with the University of Victoria was two-fold: “It’s local, and they’re there”, he says, meaning he feels the faculty is at pace with his own ideas.

Jeffrey’s gift to the university will fund an ongoing four-year doctorate fellowship. The student will work with Dr. Antliff and other faculty to research and publish new material in their field. There is also funding for two graduate or undergraduate students to attend the Company of Ideas forum, and possible bursaries for art history and visual arts students.

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